Shea Butter is non-toxic and gentle enough to be applied on baby skin. Care should be taken to use unscented, 100% pure & natural Shea Butter.

Shea Butter can be used for baby massage in place of Olive oil. Its oleic acid content is comparable to that of olive oil, but it has higher stearic acid content that make Shea Butter is closer in composition to the fat naturally found in the skin. The butter can be applied all over the body or to selective areas such as elbows, knees and cheeks that tend to dry out faster in babies and young children.

Adding a spoonful of Shea Butter to the bath water is another way to use it on babies. It can form a protective layer on the skin that seals in moisture and acts as a barrier to dust and other environmental contaminants. If the natural nutty smell of Shea Butter is not to your liking, mixing in a drop of pure essential oil* of your choice to the bath can solve the problem.

*Not all essential oils are skin friendly or child friendly. Please do your research before adding.